by saulroth | Jun 22, 2021 | Police Suicide
Image Credit: Pixabay By Saul Roth This study found adults with stressful domestic difficulties, financial problems, legal circumstances, and serious health conditions or more likely than others to contemplate suicide. The victim usually experiences these problems...
by saulroth | Jun 15, 2021 | Police Suicide
Image Credit: Pixabay By Saul Roth In 2001, Ireland had the first registry in the world to help recognize signs of suicidal ideation. This organization is a parasuicide registry, maintained by the National Suicide Research Foundation. Parasuicide is a deliberate act...
by saulroth | Jun 8, 2021 | Police Suicide
Image Credit: Pixabay By Saul Roth On February 13, 2014, The Huffington Post reported on the four victims of terminated police officer Chris Dormer, which entailed one of the biggest man hunts in the history of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). Chris Dormer...
by saulroth | Jun 1, 2021 | Police Suicide
Image Credit: Pixabay By Saul Roth Naturally, police officers may be confronted with dangerous situations. While this is infrequent, there is more for a police officer to accomplish before this danger might occur. Police officers are usually in a patrol cars answering...
by saulroth | May 25, 2021 | Police Suicide
Image Credit: Pixabay By Saul Roth As previously noted, new police recruits undergo extensive evaluation. After the evaluations, the police recruit goes through police academy and a probation period. Two occupations with similar training standards are firefighter and...
by saulroth | May 12, 2021 | Police Suicide
Image Credit: Pixabay By Saul Roth Still, there is debate as to the extent that police suicide is actually a problem. As previously mentioned, that there are professions with higher suicide rates. A study conducted on New York City police officers reviewed death...
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