by saulroth | Jan 25, 2022 | Second Amendment
Image Credit: John Vanderlyn, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons By Saul Roth In November of 1775 the rebellion was heating up. The Governor of Virginia invited all indentured Servants and Negroes that were able and willing to bear arms to join the British army....
by saulroth | Jan 18, 2022 | Second Amendment
Image Credit: Ziko van Dijk, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons By Saul Roth The Constitution of the United States of America is a very complex document that was developed during a complicated time at the birth of the United States. Despite its completion and...
by saulroth | Jan 11, 2022 | Gun Rights, Second Amendment
Image Credit: Noah Wulf, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons By Saul Roth The NRA claims the media is biased against their cause. They claim armed citizen stories are not broadcast. The NRA promotes the tyrannical government argument and believes gun control is just...
by saulroth | Jan 4, 2022 | Gun Rights, Second Amendment
Image Credit: St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons By Saul Roth Right after September 11, 2001 there was a frenzy of gun purchases. FBI statistics show 455, 000 more background checks in the first six months after the attack...
by saulroth | Dec 28, 2021 | Gun Rights, Second Amendment
Image Credit: PxHere By Saul Roth The Second Amendment reads, “ A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”. The Second Amendment has been a controversial subject...
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